Strong sponsor support for Tri-Star Eventing

Tri-Star Eventing was formed last year, a joining of forces by Musketeer Event Management and BEDE Events. Its goal? To promote the sport to a wider range of sponsors and provide opportunites to competitors and followers of eventing.
The initiative has been well received, attracting strong sponsorship support. With Oasby and Burnham Market Horse Trials done and dusted for 2018, the next two Tri-Star events are looming; Belton and Whitfield.
Making their debut this weekend are the dressage cabins. is sponsoring the dressage arenas at all Tri-Star events, and Business Development Manager Chris Otty explained: “We are very pleased to be involved in the series. Riders and spectators are sure to notice the special ‘holiday cottages’ we have supplied to keep the dressage judges comfortable whilst judging the Lycetts Grantham Cup.”
Suzuki ATV is an invaluable sponsor, even more so given the British weather so far this season. Its quad bikes keep information flowing, as scores are brought in from the cross country course and the team can get to where they need to be quickly and efficiently. Harvey Day from Suzuki ATV was even kind enough to brand up a Scottish-themed quad especially for MEMs Alec Lochore – BEDE’s Stuart Buntine has a more traditional red one.
The Intermediate, Novice and Grass Roots Leagues are enjoying support from Saracen Horse Feeds and Fairfax Saddles, whilst Kent & Masters is sponsoring the main arena at all Tri-Star grass roots events. It will have a strong presence at Whitfield Horse Trials in two weeks time.
Completing the line up to date is Investec Wealth & Investment, which has added Tri-Star sponsorship to its existing arrangement with BEDE Events. The company will stand out from the crowd at Belton with its very own larger-than-life zebra, competitions for both adults and children, and a hospitality marquee in the centre of the cross country course which will offer complimentary drinks.
With such committed support, the series looks set to go from strength to strength.
More information can be found at